I moved out of the dorm this morning and got a place on my own. The guy that I rented it from claimed that it was an apartment, but it is a room. If I wanted to do it, I could walk to class every day. However it is a bit far to some of my classes and I do not have much time for some of it. I found the cheapest internet that is available here, but of course it is not hardly the best and I am going to have to live without cable tv. Read more
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Just Got Moved into the Apartment
What Decides the Cost of Your Insurance
There are several options for you to find great car insurance, something I am sure most of us are quite familiar with at this point. I can honestly say that car insurance isn’t a bill that I look forward to paying (who is?) but that is only due to the fact that I can’t help but feel that I am being taken advantage of whenever I have to deal with them. I really dislike the fact that I am forced to pay more because of the type of car I drive; my car insurance rates shouldn’t go up simply because of the color of my car or the type of car that I drive. Read more
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Looking at My Options for Getting Rid of Cable
I am getting ready to move into my first house in about a month or so. Right now it is now really for certain when it is going to happen, because I have made a deal with one of my uncles. He is going to retire and move to a condo in North Myrtle Beach, SC at some point, but he is not quite sure when he is going to be able to make final arrangements. In the meanwhile I am making plans to reduce my bills. I am looking at offers like the one here at directselecttv.com. I am not quite sure as to whether or not there is a catch, but it is the sort of thing that I am looking for.
Right now I get cable TV and internet from the cable company which has a monopoly here in this part of North Carolina. However it is obscenely overpriced and I am only sticking with it because that is the only choice that they allow you here in my apartment complex. There is no way you can get any other choice, at least not in the apartment that I have. My apartment faces the wrong direction, so I can not put a satellite dish out on my patio. If it faced the correct direction, then I could probably get a satellite dish and stick it out on the porch rail. Of course they would not let you drill a bunch of holes in the walls to mount it. I have already figured out where to put the dish out at this new house and I am looking at whether or not I am going to install it myself or get a pro to do the job for me. I am pretty sure that I can do it, but I will listen to offers.
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